Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Faith

I have learned that once you keep the faith, even when it seems all hope is lost, after you've come through the night, your faith will be even stronger than before, even if no circumstances have changed.

I've gotten through the night - PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Keep the FAITH!! - Heb 11:6, Heb 10:35-39, Matt 9:29

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Monday, February 18, 2008

You Know It's Cold Outside when...

They say the temp high is going to be 35 degrees and you think there is a heatwave rolling through

You have to wear 2-3 layers just to stay warm going between your house and the car

When all you want to do is run from place to place (from the house to the car, from the car to the store, from the store to the car) to get out of the cold quicker

When you have to give yourself extra minutes just to put on your outwear before leaving the house in the morning

When you won't wear certian hair styles because your winter hat does not fit well over them

You bundle up (put on hat, gloves, scarf) just to roll down the window to pay for your fast food in the drive through

It takes 20-30min after entering inside from the cold to "warm up"

With my sister living down in AZ I understand that cold is very relative...so how do you know when it's cold outside?

Reply in the comments.


Friday, February 15, 2008

We Must Pray

It just want to say that it is so so sad about the Northern Illinois shootings. I was talking to a sister yesterday about what happened and only a couple of weeks ago the Lane Bryant shootings (in Tinley Park, IL). I am just so burdened for this world, this society. Doing things because they don't know true love, God's love.

It is so sad.

I feel like it is hitting close to home. For those not from here, Tinley Park is about a 15-20 minute drive (east) from Joliet, saints live near there (one sister said she drives by there on her way to church). Tinley Park in not a bad area but a typical middle class town...it is just so sad.

Then on the heels of that, the Northern shootings, I might feel a little connection there becasue I was born and lived in Dekalb the first (at most) 5 years of my life. (My parents are Alumni of Northern Illinois University).

We must pray, about the terrible catastrophe's we face
Pray for the men who are our leaders of today
Saints of God, we see it's time to pray.

There's a world situation that's affecting every nation of today,
everyone just turns their eyes away, to say,
I have problem's of my own I have to face
We're in God's final judgement hour,
every nation wants its power to be shown,
Every man wants an island of his own
Saints of God we see it's time to pray.

These lyrics are what I remember from the song, "We Must Pray" if ANYONE has all the words, I would love to have them (or hear the song).

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Have I really done that?!?

Or maybe it should be "have I really NOT done that", I've only updated once a month since Oct or Nov. That is sad...

Well count this as an update.

For those who don't see me on a weekly basis...yet saved and encouraged with a desire to please God in everyway! That's my goal in 2007 - Please God in everyway. Not that I haven't been doing it before but that will be the focus...like the song Ayiesha Woods sings "What Matters Most"

You ask me where does my joy lie
I tell you in all that I do for Christ
You want to know how I am fulfilled
I tell you in doing my Father's will
You think it strange when I tell you
That it's what I live for and die if I have to
There's nothing more satisfying than knowing I'm pleasing
The One who matters most

Your will is planned 'til the end of time
How I fit in only You define
The meaning for my existence
I can't deny You - no room for resistance, no
The only One who makes sense of it all
Still trying to understand why my name You've called
But I'm created to praise You
It's what I'm made for and it's what I'll do

Been busy with some specific goals but despite all that, pleasing HIM is what matters most! God has continually proven to be my strength through it all!

I had a GREAT time with "the girls" a couple of weeks ago. Great to spend time with all of them!

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