Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pray for the Middle East

So I ate before I went to bed (again) last night and had a very bad dream.

I dreamt that we were traveling on the highway toward a particular city (I don't really know where) and while we were traveling, we saw it being bombed so we turned around to go back to the town we left.

We saw a bridge we had just left being blown up. It was frightening. We kept on traveling and continued to see the different areas (mall, train station, downtown, etc.) of this town being bombed. At the end we were trying to find family to warn them of the impending bombs and to take them to safety (where that was I did not know). They weren't moving quick enough and we knew a bomb was coming and it did. In the dream I knew it was a dream and was glad to wake myself up.

I was so very glad that that was not something I must face on a daily basis. But then I started to think of the middle east and how that is something they wake up and go to sleep to everyday.

No doubt there is a 25 year old woman, trying to live a "normal" life but this is a nightmare she must face everyday! I know that they have had much unrest over there for many years but I guess I was thinking how much we have to be thankful for in America AND how much I really need to pray for them there in the middle east. No matter how "normal" it may be for them, for a sinner to be faced with so much life and death uncertainty cannot be peaceful. God show mercy!!!

We must pray, about the terrible catastrophes we face, men who are our leaders of today. We pray the fear of God won't go away (though it is leaving). We've got babies having babies, men who act like ladies it's a shame,...(can't remember the rest of the song)


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