Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Showing the Love of God

Saturday's trip to PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION was SUCH A BLESSING!!! I really enjoyed myself and was greatly encouraged and inspired! The work that they are doing at Pacific Garden Mission is extraodinary. You know we never know what God will do when we take one small step of faith to do what HE is telling us!! We won't know how many souls we will reach unless we just start walking (that was a message at two years ago MC fellowship - wasn't it?)!!!

The UNSHACKLED program was exactly what our group needed to hear, GOD must of designed it that way. It is to air between the weeks of May 8-22, it was part 1 of a 2 part series. It was about this man who had grown up around church, wasn't an extremely BAD child, but needed to be saved. He finally got saved at 17. After that point he lived his Christian life, but not really putting in too much extra effort or going out of himself. He became a high school English teacher and it was suggested to him that he start at Bible study at the school. God blessed the work and souls got saved... You know I won't tell the whole story but it was a GREAT blessing to some of us that went.

The other thing that was greatly encouraging during the weekend was that God showed me that despite what I am going through it helps to get out of yourself. This is what I mean: Sometimes our problems seem SO SO SO Big and we want answers and the situations solved right away. Being saved we know that we MUST go through trials so we just keep it before God in prayer (which we should do). When I am going through trials is to stop thinking or dwelling on myself and situation but start to think, pray or do for somebody else. And though I know this to be true, but when I get right in the situation it sometimes is not easy to remember. This weekend, through a variety of events, including the one mentioned above, has caused me to remember it for my current trial (which is truly a light affliction). So consider today to pray or do something for someone else that you would not normally do, get out of your comfort zone. Get out of yourself and show the love of God.


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