Thursday, July 17, 2008

Youth Jubilee 2008

The Youth Jubilee was really a blessing it was just what I needed. I was praying that God would give me my part, and He did JUST that! PRAISE GOD!! All of the messages and songs were just awesome! I liked Pastor Lloyd's message on "The Two Feelings of Being Barren"...God meet me right where I is truly amazing. Then Pastor Cornwell's message "Are you Willing to Reap what you are Sowing" There were so many good points in this message. Then Pastor Dukes "Fatal Attraction" was really on guard my soul! Finally, Pastor Moncrief "Let Your Light so Shine"...perfect ending to another anointed meeting. I think the highlight of this meeting was Sunday morning before the message.

The Sharon, TN choir has just sung, "I Have No Regrets", Brother Curtis had given his testimony before the choirs sang. Bro Jeremy got up and said his testimony about how God honors and blesses those who have stayed true to them "from their youth up". Then Bro Andre stated how his life has been horrible because he knew the truth and he rejected it and it was only God's mercy that he was there, saved. Sis Simpson testified (good example of how good salvation is after over 40 years). Sis Erneka stood up and testified how good it was to be saved as a 16 year old teenager. God had Pastor Jennings call an alter call and about 12-15 souls got saved!!! They just started flowing to the front...that is what I call "seeing God work, only God could have done that!! I just cried and was such a blessing!! Glory be to God!!

I have also had this song on my mind..."I've Made up My Mind"...they didn't sing this verse at the Jubilee but I really like it...I don't think I have the words just right...but you can get the thought...
"Well, brother, when it seems that no one cares just remember He'll always be there
There's not a problem He can's solve or a trial He cannot dissolve
So put all your trust and faith in Him and watch your trials just start to grow dim
Just make up your mind, I'm going to live for Him"

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At Friday, July 18, 2008 7:01:00 AM , Blogger BASF said...

The Youth Jubilee was so good that the overflow from it blessed our services back home Sunday and Wednesday night. One brother, in his testimony said, I couldn't go but I'm sure glad ya'll brought it back to us.


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